-El proyecto en su etapa más temprana, nació hace aproximadamente cuatro años. Fue entonces que empecé a tomar las imágenes. Hace alrededor de dos años, durante la pandemia, empecé la selección y la edición de las fotografías. La impresión y los textos comenzaron hace unos tres meses.
- ¿Piensas que la gente está más receptiva sobre estos temas de conciencia?
-Si, la gente está más receptiva. Sin embargo no es suficiente. La sociedad no tiene suficientes canales de participación, de manera que, es necesario crearlos para lograr un avance significativo. Hay mucho trabajo por hacer y muy poco tiempo para lograrlo.
- ¿Qué es lo que te agrado de esté trabajo , durante el proceso de realización?
-Una de las cosas qué más me agradó este trabajo, fue el recordar, con cada fotografía, la interacción que tuve con cada uno de los personajes que retraté. Recordar su talantes y actitudes fue muy gratificante.
La fotografía de retrato implica un acercamiento más intimo con el sujeto. Para esto es necesario estar en un estado de profunda tranquilidad y respeto. Ya que los animales suelen huir de nosotros porque nos tienen miedo.
- ¿Piensas que se están sumando más personas a este movimiento de *conscientización hacia la vida animal no humano en la isla de Cozumel?
-Creo qué la mayoría de las personas están muy ocupadas ganando el sustento y, con actividades de entretenimiento, cómo para poner atención a estos temas qué no son tan agradables para escuchar. Aunque cada vez hay más personas interesadas en el tema, aún son muy pocas como para hacer un cambio significativo en la forma de pensar.
- ¿Piensas hacer itinerante está bella producción en otros espacios en la isla y otros ligares?
-Sí, sería muy bueno si algún otro espacio abriera sus puertas para poder llevar está exposición a más personas. Aunque en Cozumel los espacios son pocos, buscaré la manera de llevarla a otros lugares.
- ¿Qué te pareció la Museografía ?
La museografía me pareció muy buena, sobre todo porque se logró con recursos limitados. Estoy agradecido con Satoko, la museógrafa, porque realizó un gran trabajo de manera profesional.
-¿Algo más que quieras decirnos?
Quiero enfatizar en la importancia que tienen el respeto y el cuidado que debemos tener hacia la naturaleza, ya que, la supervivencia del ser humano depende de la supervivencia de los demás seres con los que compartimos el planeta. No nos hemos dado cuenta que nuestra ignorancia, indiferencia y codicia, nos están llevando a una extinción de la cual difícilmente podremos escapar.

Entrevista a Alan Damián asistente a la inauguración.
-Me llamo Alan Damian, soy biólogo y soy de la Ciudad de México
.¿Que te pareció esta exposición?
-En general la exposición está muy padre o sea como trata a los animales como personas no humanos y con un enfoque de retrato, como una foto especifica de cada uno de los ejemplares que se muestran. Me gusto los mensajes que acompañan en cada uno de las fotografías con un formato de globo de texto, como si el animalito estuviera hablando diciendo algo.
-¿Entonces se te hizo muy creativo?
-Sí, se me hace muy interesante esa propuesta.
-¿También es una exposición para la educación ¿verdad?
-Yo creo que sí, sin educación, sin consciencia, no funciona para nada, me gusta ese concepto que tiene el fotógrafo, esa intención para acercar la parte del arte hacia la consciencia, a la educación ambiental, a la concientización de las personas.
-¿Que te pareció la técnica?
-La técnica me parece muy padre, la parte de la fotografía submarina y las fotos de super acercamiento de organismos muy, muy, pequeñitos organismos me parece muy importante.
- ¿Fue entonces atractiva la expo?
-Es atractiva, pero puedo ser más atractiva, creo que le falto más difusión para que la gente pueda venir y conocer este tipo de exposiciones que son excelentes, con este tipo de propuestas y pueda ver un cambio real en la población, si no hay difusión no trasciende más allá
-¿Cómo biólogo siendo artista que más pondrías hacer?
-una parte más interactiva donde las personas puedan interactuar con la exposición a lo mejor que tanto sea factible donde el ejemplar pueda tocar una parte de los ejemplares, colocar conchas algo así que pueda ser más táctil, dibujar escribir algo al respecto, que la gente no sea solamente receptor, vengo y conozco sino que también pongo de mi parte para la protesta vaya.
-¿Tú crees que las nuevas generaciones, los niños tienen más consciencia?
-Sí definitivamente estoy de acuerdo que las nuevas generaciones crecieron con lo del cambio climático, la sustentabilidad que muy posiblemente ya pueda generar un cambio real. generalmente los adultos somos más rejegos al cambio, sin embargo con los niños son más fácil creo que a los niños son más fácil, creo que a los niños se les subestima, yo creo que a ellos si pueden hacer un cambio real.
-¿Aquí en la isla se tiene una riqueza extraordinaria no?
- Lo que más me gusta de la isla es toda la riqueza natural que hay en ella, normalmente me traslado a mi trabajo en bicicleta o en motocicleta para ir disfrutando de los paisajes que nos brinda la isla.
Por ejemplo cuando veo un animalito en la isla trato de moverlo para que llegue a su destino, para que no lo apachurren, creo que que son cosas muy interesantes que son cosas que podemos lograr en la isla y muy tristemente se están perdiendo por falta de difusión y clima exagerado.
-¿Qué más quieres agregar a la entrevista?
-En general me parece la expo muy padre, la temática bastante interesante y la técnica muy padre, solo que agregaría un poquito más a lo mejor a nivel de redes, acercarlo a las escuelas algunos otros centros que se pueda captar la atención de las personas.
-¿Haz venido anteriormente al museo?
-Sí vine a conocer el museo cuando recién llegue a la isla para conocer un poquito más de la isla. Conocer la isla en general. Es la segunda vez que vengo y es la primera vez que vengo a la inauguración de este tipo en el museo de la isla
El museo de la isla de Cozumel embellecido
por lindas fotografías de Rafael Quiroz Osorio

*Proceso mediante el que las personas son estimuladas y animadas a explorar su realidad y su conciencia, de forma que la comprensión de la realidad y de su propia conciencia es cada vez más profunda, y comienza a comprometerse como praxis. Paulo Fraire.
Restaurante de comida artesanal y a domicilio: waffles, chocolate, bunns, comida vegana y más. Contamos con opciones sin azúcar y saludables sin sacrificar el sabor.100% libres de productos de origen animal.
Our Planetary Companions non-human portrait
Photographic exhibition
Rafael Quiroz Osorio
Cozumel Island Museum.
"Photography for me is a medium, through which, I try to transmit the beauty of the natural world and the importance that its care and protection have for our own survival."
Rafael Quiroz Osorio
The photographic exhibition Nuestros Compañeros Planetarios portrait non-human by Rafael Quiroz Osorio is an impeccable work full of life and creativity. It manages to perfectly convey his message of love towards the animal kingdom and the planetary habitat. It is considered a good synthesis of this in his words that he offered on the opening night and that we transcribe below some fragments.
Congratulations to Rafael. Long live Life.
"We are facing a human-caused mass extinction, perhaps the last one, we have wiped out 78 percent of the planet's green surface,
The demographic and consumption explosion and the unconsciousness of human beings, the ferocity of certain people and their corporations have led to the destruction of many habitats on the planet, rivers, seas, savannas, jungles, even deserts, in all aspects, from 1950 to date we have wiped out 68 percent of the animal population of the planet in 50 years, this extinction is causing us problems and risks.
What can we do to mitigate this? Well, we can do many things, such as removing ideas, ideas that are deeply rooted in us, for example, an idea that we can remove is the fact of reproducing uncontrollably. Education is very important because if we educate the children, the little ones, in 3 or 4 generations the paradigm changes, the idea changes, the idea that we have (...) another idea that we have to change is that the planet belongs to us, that everything that is there is ours and that they are things that we can use as we please and destroy them.
So this is very important to change because living beings are not things and they are beings that have their own aversions, their own effects, they relate with their fellow beings, with the environment, with their own styles (...) we must understand that human beings do not create the fabric, they are simply one more strand of that fabric like everything else that exists and everything we do to the fabric affects the whole, so whatever we do to it in the natural environment will obviously affect us, whether we live in cities or not (...) I think we must do everything we can to change this (...). ..) I believe that we should be intelligent enough to change these paradigms and start doing real work on what represents our own survival, because for me it is absurd, we call ourselves intelligent beings but we pollute the air that we need, the water that gives life, we pollute by putting toxins into the soil where food comes out, it seems to me that this is not a sign of intelligence.
We will have to become aware again of the things we can change because if not in 50 years it will be too late for us all (...) If we all put small actions in our daily lives if we change our sense of life, we will achieve something.
The following is an interview with Rafael Quiroz Osorio that he kindly granted exclusively to Art News Cozumel.
- How did the idea of exhibiting this photographic work in the island's museum begin?
The idea of exhibiting at the Museum of the Island was born because the museum is an open space that has the availability for artists and exponents of different disciplines to exhibit their work. It is the home of art and culture that belongs to all Cozumeleños.
- How did you feel the public's feedback on the work during the inauguration?
-The feedback from the people who visited the exhibition was good. The different points of view, the complementary information they shared, their criticisms and suggestions, enriched the work. Also the number of attendees was good.
- Do you think that the message of awareness towards the respect, care and protection of our non-human animal brothers and sisters was well understood by the public?
Yes, I think the public reacted positively to the message that the expo tries to transmit. Mainly, the people who were at the inauguration, because there, they were able to hear relevant data about the critical ecological conditions in which we have the planet and the beings that inhabit it.
- Do you consider yourself an activist in this area of life?
-I don't really consider myself an activist because I don't dedicate enough of my time to ecological activism. Photography for me is a medium through which I try to transmit the beauty of the natural world and the importance of its care and protection for our own survival.
- How long did it take you to create what you are exhibiting in this show?
-The project in its earliest stage was born approximately four years ago. It was then that I started taking the images. About two years ago, during the pandemic, I started selecting and editing the photographs. The printing and texts started about three months ago.
- Do you think people are more receptive to these awareness issues?
Yes, people are more receptive. However, it is not enough. Society does not have enough channels of participation, so it is necessary to create them to achieve significant progress. There is a lot of work to do and very little time to achieve it.
- What did you like about this work, during the process of realization?
-One of the things that pleased me most about this work was remembering, with each photograph, the interaction I had with each of the characters I portrayed. Remembering their moods and attitudes was very gratifying.
Portrait photography implies a more intimate approach with the subject. For this it is necessary to be in a state of deep tranquility and respect. Since animals usually run away from us because they are afraid of us.
- Do you think that more people are joining this movement of *awareness towards non-human animal life on the island of Cozumel?
-I think most people are too busy earning a living and, with entertainment activities, to pay attention to these issues which are not so pleasant to listen to. Although there are more and more people interested in the subject, there are still too few to make a significant change in the way of thinking.
- Do you plan to make this beautiful production itinerant in other spaces on the island and other places?
-Yes, it would be great if some other space would open its doors to bring this exhibition to more people. Although in Cozumel the spaces are few, I will look for a way to take it to other places.
- What did you think of the museography?
-I thought the museography was very good, especially because it was achieved with limited resources. I am grateful to Satoko, the museographer, because she did a great job in a professional manner.
- Anything else you would like to tell us?
-I want to emphasize the importance of the respect and care we should have towards nature, since the survival of human beings depends on the survival of the other beings with whom we share the planet. We have not realized that our ignorance, indifference and greed are leading us to an extinction from which we can hardly escape.
Interview with Alan Damian attending the inauguration.
-My name is Alan Damian, I'm a biologist and I'm from Mexico City.
What did you think of this exhibition?
In general, the exhibition is very cool, that is, how it treats the animals as non-human persons and with a portrait approach, like a specific photo of each of the specimens shown. I liked the messages that accompany each of the photographs with a text balloon format, as if the animal was talking and saying something.
-So it was very creative for you?
-Yes, I find this proposal very interesting.
-It is also an exhibition for education, isn't it?
-I think so, without education, without awareness, it doesn't work at all. I like the photographer's concept, his intention to bring art closer to awareness, to environmental education, to people's awareness.
-What did you think of the technique?
The technique seems very cool to me, the part of the underwater photography and the super close-up photos of very, very, very small organisms seems very important to me.
- Was the exhibition attractive?
-It is attractive, but I can be more attractive, I think it lacks more diffusion so that people can come and know this kind of exhibitions that are excellent, with this kind of proposals and can see a real change in the population, if there is no diffusion it does not transcend beyond.
-As a biologist being an artist, what else would you do?
-A more interactive part where people can interact with the exhibition, at least as much as is feasible, where the specimen can touch part of the specimens, place shells, something that can be more tactile, draw, write something about it, so that people are not only receivers, I come and I know, but I also do my part for the protest.
-Do you think that the new generations, the children, are more aware?
-Yes, I definitely agree that the new generations have grown up with climate change and sustainability, which could very possibly generate a real change. generally we adults are more reluctant to change, however with children it is easier, I think children are easier, I think children are underestimated, I think they can make a real change.
-Here on the island there is an extraordinary wealth, isn't it?
- What I like the most about the island is all the natural wealth that there is in it, I usually commute to work by bicycle or motorcycle to enjoy the landscapes that the island offers us.
For example, when I see a small animal on the island I try to move it so that it reaches its destination, so it doesn't get squashed, I think these are very interesting things that we can achieve on the island and very sadly they are being lost due to lack of diffusion and exaggerated climate.
-What else would you like to add to the interview?
-In general I think the expo is very cool, the subject matter is very interesting and the technique is very cool, I would just add a little more, maybe at the level of networks, to bring it closer to schools and other centers that can capture people's attention.
-Have you been to the museum before?
-Yes, I came to visit the museum when I first arrived on the island to learn a little more about the island. To get to know the island in general. It is the second time that I come and it is the first time that I come to the inauguration of this type in the museum of the island.
*The process by which people are stimulated and encouraged to explore their reality and their consciousness, so that their understanding of reality and of their own consciousness becomes deeper and deeper, and begins to engage as praxis. Paulo Fraire.
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